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Recipe Caramel Addict

5 eggs
125 gr sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch (optional)
500ml fresh milk
1 / 4 tsp vanilli
rhum (optional, fragrance fans will understand, other than that I used to egg smell)


175 gr sugar
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tablespoons water (I add the so half a cup of water)

1. Caramel: sugar over low heat until liquefied and golden brown, add water and lemon juice, remove from fire. Pour into molds. Chill.
2. Pudding: Mix all other ingredients, stirring until dissolved, then strain it into a mold containing caramel-me earlier.
3. Steamed until cooked over low heat. Approximately 30 minutes.
4. Remove, let cool. Serve.

1. Do not be lazy caramel, do not let it go off-letup because it will produce a caramel that could create an alias later hard.
2. At the time of pouring water into the caramel, do it little by little, stirring constantly.
3. Water used to boil water must, do well in cold water.
4. When steaming, cormorant not have to shut down his napkin, because it actually makes the dough so and a small fire.
5. Because the texture is very soft, so it's rather difficult to of heat-resistant bowl. If insist want removed from the dishes, mending buy individual cake molds from silicone, can get off with a smooth pudding without damaging form of pudding.