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Make Kue Lumpur (Mini Mud Cake)

Mini Mud Cake

Ingredients A:
6 eggs grains (6 yellow + 2 white)
300 grams sugar
(Beat the above ingredients to expand)

Material B:
Test 500 grams of potatoes (steamed and mashed)
200 grams flour
Santan 200 grams (Dita-because this is clearly not ato liquid coconut milk powder, I used the coconut milk powder)
75 grams of liquid milk (I add the milk-Dita finished 150 ml)

Ingredients C:
150 grams butter (melted)

Supplementary materials:
1 young coconut fruit (take it)
Raisins / dates (cut in small square box) 100 grams
B input materials into the materials A and mix well.
Enter the above material C into the batter mix well.
Heat molding mud cake batter then pour into a cake mold with mud.
Input half-baked coconut and raisins / dates.
Cook until done and then lift.
Cake is ready to serve.